List of the common event handlers in java script

EventWhen it's triggered
onAbortAn image is stopped from loading because the user either hits Stop or leaves the page.
onBlurAn element, such as a window, frame, or form field, loses focus; that is, when the user clicks on something else.
onClickThe user clicks on the particular element.
onChangeThe value of a form field changes, for example, when the user types in some data.
onDblClickThe user double-clicks on the particular element.
onErrorA loading error happens, like a missing image.
onFocusThe user puts the focus on the target element, by clicking on it or tabbing to it.
onKeyDownA key on the keyboard is pushed down, regardless of whether it's then held down or released.
onKeyPressThis event is repeatedly triggered as long as a key is held down.
onKeyUpA key on the keyboard is released.
onLoadThe browser completely loads the page.
onMouseDownA key on the mouse is pushed down, regardless of whether it's then held down or released.
onMouseMoveThe mouse moves.
onMouseOutThe pointer moves out of the target area.
onMouseOverThe pointer moves over the target element.
onMouseUpA key on the mouse is released.
onResetThe Reset button of a form is clicked.
onResizeA window or frame is resized by the user.
onSelectThe user highlights text in a form field.
onSubmitA form is submitted.
onUnloadThe user leaves the page.